

地址:大连市 中山路88号天安国际大厦23层在地图上展示
详细介绍:Web International English is dedicated to providing professional high-level language training for both corporate and individual customers. Web uses a unique “Three-Stage Multimethod Methodology”, combined with the state-of-art language teaching courseware from the Silicon Valley USA, which has undergone 20 years of international research and is successfully used in over 70 countries, Web International is the new milestone for English teaching in China with one over 80schools, in cities such as Shanghai, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Wuxi, Shaoxing, Nanjing, Shenyang, Urumqi, Suzhou, Guangzhou, Da Lia, Chongqing, helping more than 1000,000 students.Web International Education System focuses on language application and steady progress. The curriculum cover a wide range from absolute beginner courses to advanced business courses, so as to meet the needs of students with various proficiency levels. Our“Three-Stage Multimethod Methodology”is a strategic combination of multimedia courseware, Chinese tutors’ guidance and our proficiency ESL teachers’ instruction. In addition, we have very small class sizes, flexible study schedules personalized for each student and a wide range of extra curricular activities.Language learning can be difficult, but it is also fun. without combined efforts, we can ensure an enjoyable experience for all our students at Web.韦博国际英语致力于为企业和个人提供专业的高层次语言培训,独创的“三阶段多元学习法”结合美国硅谷公司经历20年的国际化研发成果和在全球70多个国家取得的成功经验,现已分别在上海、广州、大连、重庆、杭州、宁波、无锡、绍兴、南京、沈阳、乌鲁木齐、苏州、常州、温州……等地成功开设了80多所世界级语言中心,帮助数以百万的受训者提高英语水平,成为高端英语的领导品牌。韦博国际英语的课程体系以实用为向导,由浅入深,涵盖从零起点到商务英语,适合不同水平、不同需求的学生。“三阶段多元学习法”的教学模式是将多媒体教学课程、中方语言教师的现场指导、资深外籍教师的小班授课、自由的学习时间以及个性化的课程有机结合起来,为学生提供全程个性化的课程有机地结合起来,为学生提供全程个性化的服务。学习是困难的,但是很有趣。


  1. 韦博国际英语培训济南中心电话
  2. 韦博国际英语培训电话
  3. 韦博国际英语大连中心专业成人英语培训机构电话
  4. 韦博国际英语大连中心电话
  5. 韦博国际英语大连中心电话
  6. 韦博国际英语大连培训中心电话
  7. 韦博国际英语大连天兴中心电话
  8. 韦博国际英语太原中心电话
  9. 韦博国际英语太原中心电话
  10. 韦博国际英语太原分中心电话

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