

详细介绍:&;amp#65378红鼎高尔夫球会&;amp#65379位于重庆市北碚区童家溪(三溪口)嘉陵江畔,占地面积近2000亩,距主城中心区约20公里,距离机场30公里。这个由云南红塔集团斥巨资按国际高尔夫锦标赛级标准修建的18洞高尔夫球场,特别之处还在于它拥有一个目前亚洲单体面积最大的商务会所。它是一个具备接待高尔夫大型赛事及商务会议、旅游高尔夫等活动功能的大型综合性体育、休闲场所。Located in the coastal area of Jialing River of Tongjiaxi (Sanxikou) in Beibei District of Chongqing City, covering an area of nearly 2,000 mu, City Hills Golf Club is about 20 km from downtown and 30 km from the airport. This is an 18-hole golf course constructed as per international golf championship standards by Yunnan Hongta Group with huge investment which is special in that it has the single largest business club at present in Asia. City Hills Golf Club is an integrated sports and leisure venue for such activities as large golf events, business conferences and tourism golf. &;amp#65378红鼎高尔夫球会&;amp#65379球场是一个非常典型的山地高尔夫球场。其球场是由曾在国内设计过包括北京北湖9号、上海佘山等20多座球场的加拿大著名设计师尼尔&;amp#8226哈沃斯(Nelson &;amp Haworth)亲自设计,其难度自不必说;而球场园林景观则由美国金湖园林绿化设计有限公司设计;该球场以其坐拥江景、湖景、山景三位一体的独特地理自然环境,在重庆高尔夫领域中独树一帜。The golf course of City Hills Golf Club is a typical mountain golf course designed by Nelson &;amp Haworth, the famous Canadian architects who have designed more than 20 golf courses including Bayhood No. 9 Golf Course in Beijing and sheshang Golf Course in Shanghai. The garden and landscape of the golf course is designed by Golden Lake Landscaping Design Co., Ltd. (U.S.). With a unique geological and natural environment of integrated views of river, lake and mountain, the golf course develops a style of its own in the golf circle in Chongqing. &;amp#65378红鼎高尔夫球会&;amp#65379会所由全球著名的设计公司“美国(HBA)赫斯贝德酒店顾问工程有限公司”依照五星级酒店标准设计建造,会所总建筑面积19000平方米,内设66间客房,其中配有套间、豪华商务间和标准间以满足宾客各类需要。会所另设有宴会厅、中西餐厅、雪茄吧、SPA、网球场、游泳池及儿童游乐场,同时提供多项全天候服务,包括:送餐服务,洗衣服务,秘书服务,租车服务以及管家服务等。红鼎高尔夫球会拥有接待200~300人中高档次会议团体的能力。


  1. 重庆红鼎通信公司电话
  2. 重庆红鼎通讯公司电话
  3. 红鼎韩蒸美疗会所电话
  4. 红鼎高尔夫球会电话
  5. 重庆红鼎高尔夫球会电话
  6. 红鼎高尔夫球会电话
  7. 红龙机电设备公司渝北分公司电话
  8. 重庆红龙机电设备有限公司电话
  9. 红龙村小学电话

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