

详细介绍:*Who We Are*关于我们As a US based company, we manufacture, market and design innovative food and beverage solutions designed for busy lifestyles. Our two most recognizable brands, Stanley and Aladdin, are both nearly 100 years old. By using advanced technologies, materials and research, we’ve extended these beloved brands into the future while remaining rooted in our past.我们是一家快速成长的美资企业,致力于革新忙碌大众的饮食方式。我们设计,生产并营销的产品,能让所有人在任何地点都可以享用美食和饮料。我们最为主要的两个品牌:Stanley 和 Aladdin 都已经有将近100年的历史。在保留原始工艺的基础上,我们采用更为先进的技术和材料,通过不断的实验,将这些产品研发成更适合时代和消费者需求的日用必需品。We’re committed to providing consumers with simple, stylish solutions, and we’re guided by the principles of sustainability, community, teamwork, accountability and integrity. For us, these principles are more than words. They’re the foundation for everything we do.我们致力于提供给消费者简约而不简单的餐饮方式,并时刻秉承持久,沟通,合作,责任以及诚信五项原则。对于我们来说,这不仅仅只是口号,而是我们一切设计,生产和营销的灵魂和准则。PMI has seen a lot of changes in 25 years of business. What hasn’t changed is our distinct company culture based on the belief that every individual matters and has something unique to contribute. We’re committed to engaging, educating and empowering each other, and it’s evident as soon as you step through our doors.PMI在过去的25年里历经了无数次的商业变迁,唯一不变的却是我们独特的公司文化,我们始终相信每一个独立的个体都能作出他最独一无二的贡献。我们鼓励每一位员工的参与,并重视对他们的培训,每一位踏进PMI的员工都能充分地感受到这一点。Working for PMI requires hard work and dedication, and comes with many rewards. We are proud to have been recognized by Seattle Magazine as one of Seattle’s “Best Places to Work,,” March 2005 and by Seattle Business Monthly “Best Places to Work,”, June 2007.PMI需要的是努力而专注的工作态度,随之而来的也是丰厚的奖励。我们很荣幸的在2005年3月和2007年6月的“西雅图杂志”和”西雅图商业(月刊)“上被评为”最适合工作的地方“。


  1. 奔达进口汽车维修行电话
  2. 奔达链条电话
  3. 奔达阀门电话
  4. 奔达鞋底广州办事处电话
  5. 奔达食品有限公司电话
  6. 奔迈(上海)国际贸易有限公司电话
  7. 奔迈国际物流有限公司电话
  8. 奔迈男装电话
  9. 奔迈颂怡塑胶钢制品有限公司电话
  10. 奔迈颂怡塑胶钢制品有限公司电话

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